Individual Lease & Shared Room
Landlord Disclosures
Applicant(s) interested in individual leases or shared rooms acknowledge that any bedroom space within the apartment will be offered to any qualified applicant. Please be aware that criteria, including but not limited to, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, etc. are not determining factors according to all applicable federal, state, and local Fair Housing laws and Regulations. Landlord will lease to any and all qualified applicants based on our resident screening criteria.
Landlord uses roommate matching software that will allow applicant(s) to choose roommates prior to signing a lease. Applicant(s) interested in individual leases or shared rooms acknowledge that the composition of the apartment leased could change throughout the course of the tenancy. Should another Tenant need to leave at any time during the tenancy, Landlord must make reasonable attempts to re-rent the premises and mitigate said Tenant’s loss. This means that any and all qualified applicants will be considered based on our resident screening criteria to fulfill the remainder of the lease term.